
HSE Cooling Tower & Spa Pool Inspection Programme

July 2024 The Health & Safety Executive have updated their priorities for targeted intervention for 2024/25 via the Local Authority Circular 67 (LA/C 67)   The updated circular makes it clear that Cooling Towers located in built up areas & Spa Pools, both on display and in use in holiday let settings, will be a focus for the HSE in their latest intervention programme. This focus f

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Testing for Chlorine and Bromine

May 2024 There appears to be some confusion arising from the following paragraph found in the revised HSG274 part 1, Info Box 1.5: Biocide types and application: When using the DPD No 1 methodology it is essential that the result is pH-adjusted to account for the conversion of hypochlorous and hypobromous acids into their less effective hypochlorite and hypobromite ions, when higher pH levels are present. This is important, as the DPD No 1 test is not specific to either and will pick up some other oxidants that may be present in the sy

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Remote Monitoring Guidance from the Water Management Society

May 2024 The Water Management Society (WMSoc) recently published the second part of its guidance on remote monitoring of water systems. The free to download document is titled Guidance for End Users on Remote Temperature Monitoring Systems - Part Two Interpretation and management of data. It provides some much needed guidance to end users on the what the data means, a

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LCA Audits, Current Findings and Timelines

March 2024 LCA membership includes the requirement to have an annual external audit by one of our occupationally competent assessors. The LCA have evolved our auditing documents over the last few years and now look in more depth and detail at our Member’s work.  The audit questions break down the Member’s process and procedure (their plan) and the output evidence (following their plan) into a series of questions.   There is more detail than before and as a result we have seen Members with more non-conformances to the Code of Conduct an

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HSE’s HSG274 Part 1 The Control of legionella bacteria in evaporative cooling systems

26 March 2024 There is a new edition to part one (only) of HSE’s HSG274 The Control of legionella bacteria in evaporative cooling systems. (Second Edition. March 2024).  You can read the new edition as published on the HSE website here.

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