July 2023
The LCA Code of Conduct and Service Delivery Standards have been updated for the new registration year. The changes in most cases are very minor and tracked changes versions are available in the Members area of the website.
The Code of Conduct now has requirement 7.4. This is new and requires Members to have a system that ensures they are always using the most up to date version of their own documents. This is a common failing at audit where an out of date form or template is used and a service requirement is missed. Many Members already have document control systems in place and this new code requirement will simply require a reference to this in their management procedures if not already present.
Some other parts of the Code of Conduct have been revised and clarified without changing the essential meaning.
Internal auditing has been strengthened in the code with a direct requirement for an annual audit. The associated internal auditing document has also been strengthened and updated. These changes reinforce the message that was already there, and Members should not need to make any changes.
The Service Delivery Standards Section D for each standard has been revised to make them easier to use. Some standards now have common harmonised elements and others are simplified. Whatever Members do to comply with this part of the standards will need to be checked and the new wording introduced as required.
The Cleaning and Disinfection Standard has a new appendix on appropriateness of measurement methods. Members should review their Cleaning and Disinfection methodology and their records to ensure they are using appropriate methods of testing. They should check they are measuring and recording results that are within the capabilities of the equipment used and that it is suitable for the process.
There will be some new audit questions on the revised elements and there are some developments on auditing for monitoring. Some parts of the service delivery standards refer to HSE or DoH guidance and our audit form will now look at these areas in more detail. The new auditing questions will be in use from September onwards and shortly available for Members to use in their internal audits.
Please do not wait for your external LCA audit before addressing these changes.